All framing at Albury Picture Framers is designed and finished onsite. Our specialist design team take many factors into consideration when discussing options for your framing. If you were framing an original artwork or an heirloom, when designing we would select components and mounting techniques with the highest archival quality, which would preserve and protect the art or object.
Albury Picture Framers recognises that every framing job has different requirements and with this in mind we carry a wide range of products to ensure that we are able to frame your artwork appropriately whether it be to a budget or to the highest archival standards available.
Albury Picture Framers has the latest in computer mat cutting technology enabling us to offer a wide range of fancy and intricate matting options. The Gunnar Mat Cutter also has the ability to cut fonts for names and titles giving the mat a personalised design. Also perfect for decorating wedding photos and simulating old- fashioned matting formats.
Swiss precision and technology
Gunnar's revolutionary *Hybrid* cutting head concept allows seamless operation for a wide range of flexible cutting applications. This Mat Cutter is designed for custom framing solutions to enable matboards to be cut with unmatched Swiss precision & efficiency - with streamline simplicity and elegance.
Glass options
Albury Picture Framers offers an extensive range of glass options ranging from standard clear glass to the latest in Anti reflective UV inhibiting glazing technology.
In the past the surface of glass was finely etched to defuse the reflected light and mask mirror images that would normally be present in standard clear glass. However, the new technology includes the application of an optical coating that allows the visual light spectrum to pass through the glass thus eliminating reflection and allowing the true colour intensity of the art to be appreciated.